Gary The Snail

How To Draw Gary The Snail Step By Step

Step 1 - Draw The Eyes
Start by drawing two large oval shapes for Gary's eyes. Add two small circles inside each for the pupils.

Step 2 - Add Eye Stalks and Base
Draw two long, curved lines extending downward from the eyes to form the eye stalks. Then, sketch the base of Gary’s body with a wavy line.

Step 3 - Outline The Shell
Draw a large, rounded shell on Gary’s back. Make sure it curves around smoothly, giving it a spiral shape.

Step 4 - Add Shell Details
Inside the shell, add a spiral in the center to give it its classic snail appearance. Then, draw some oval shapes around the shell for extra texture.

Step 5 - Finalize The Drawing
Complete the drawing by adding some finishing details. Adjust any lines, smooth out the shapes, and make sure everything looks balanced.