How To Draw Pearl Krabs Step By Step

Step 1 - Draw the Face Shape
Start by sketching Pearl’s face shape. Draw a wide rectangular outline with rounded edges to resemble her whale-like head.

Step 2 - Add Eyes and Mouth
Add two large oval-shaped eyes near the top of the face. Then, draw her big smile below the eyes, ensuring it extends across her face.

Step 3 - Add Face Details
Refine the details of the face. Draw few curved lines on the face for detail.

Step 4 - Draw the Hair
Sketch her signature blond hair as a round, voluminous shape on top of her head. Add some detail lines to show hair texture.

Step 5 - Add the Blowhole
Draw a small oval at the top of her head to represent her blowhole.

Step 6 - Draw the Shirt
Draw her shirt, add short sleeves and the top of her torso. Don't forget to draw the Letter "P" in the center of the shirt.

Step 7 - Add Hands and Pom-Poms
Sketch her arms extending out to the sides, holding cheerleader pom-poms. The pom-poms should look fluffy and circular.

Step 8 - Draw the Skirt and Legs
Add a short skirt below her shirt, followed by her legs. Keep the legs simple, ending with small, rounded shoes.

Step 9 - Finalize Your Drawing
Review your drawing and refine any lines or details. Erase unnecessary guidelines and ensure all parts look proportionate. Add any additional details to complete Pearl’s cheerful appearance.