How To Draw Itchy Step By Step

Step 1 - Drawing the Eyes
Start by drawing three circles: two large ones for the eyes and a smaller one on top for the nose. Add small dots inside the larger circles to create the pupils.

Step 2 - Drawing the Mouth and Nose
Next, draw a long, curved snout extending from the eyes. Add a small bump for the nose tip and a wide, open mouth below. Inside the mouth, draw a tongue and a few teeth.

Step 3 - Drawing the Head and Ears
Now, sketch the outline of the head around the eyes and mouth. Add two large, round ears on each side of the head. Draw some small spikes on top to show messy hair.

Step 4 - Drawing the Jacket
Draw the open jacket by sketching the collar and the front parts hanging down. Keep the lines slightly curved to make it look natural.

Step 5 - Sketch the Arms and Hands
Extend two arms from the sides of the jacket. At the end of each arm, draw hands showing a "peace" sign with two fingers raised.

Step 6 - Drawing the Legs
Now, draw two legs below the jacket. Keep them slightly wide at the bottom to show the cartoonish style.

Step 7 - Adding the Tail and Details
Add a long, curved tail extending from the back of the jacket. Then, draw some extra details, like a belly button and small toe marks on the feet.

Step 8 - Completing Itchy Drawing
Finish the drawing by reviewing all the lines and making sure everything looks complete. Your sketch of Itchy is now ready!